Cross curriculum content enriches and supports the learning areas and adds depth to student learning.
In NSW students study a range of learning across the curriculum content.
Cross curriculum priorities
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
- Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
- sustainability
General capabilities
- critical and creative thinking
- ethical understanding
- information and communication technology capability
- intercultural understanding
- literacy
- numeracy
- personal and social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas
- civics and citizenship
- difference and diversity
- work and enterprise.
© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012
Gifted and talented students
Each faculty extends gifted and talented students, in particular creating opportunities beyond the school gate. Students:
- enter in competitions
- conduct scientific investigations around universal events
- participate in exhibitions and festivals
- undertake community partnerships
- design and create mosaics
- attend regional study days.